How to Prepare Yourself for a Day of Recording

Do you get antsy thinking about heading into the studio for a day of recording? Are you the musician who does nothing but cross your fingers and hope for good vibes, or the type who obsesses over every detail of your EP before the session? A successful day of recording in the studio is all about balance. Here are some long-term insights and short-term tips to enhance your recording experience and make the best of your studio time.

Your body. As musicians, we’ve all been guilty of neglecting our bodies and just hoping they pull through for us; and it’s true— our bodies are amazingly resilient! However, meeting basic physical needs can profoundly impact your recording session and save you time, money, and stress.

  • Hydration: As research advances, we’re understanding more about the best way to hydrate (guzzling three glasses of tap water right before your session won’t do what you think it will). Water takes about four hours to even reach your vocal cords! Tap water is also stripped of the minerals our cells need for true absorption. Drinking one glass of water with electrolytes or steeped with fruits/veggies high in sodium, magnesium, potassium, and/or calcium will do more for you than a gallon of tap water. Products like Gainful, LMNT, and Trace Minerals are also great. Read more here.

  • Nutrition: It may seem basic, but coming into the studio properly nourished can be a game-changer for a successful recording session. What we produce is contingent on what we consume! Hydrating and anti-inflammatory foods are a great choice for vocal health, even if that means (dare we say) limiting yourself to only... a couple cups of coffee? We’ll circle back. Like we said, balance.

  • Rest: Do NOT sleep on this one! Sleep is one of the most important things you can do to prepare your body and mind for recording in the studio. Vocal rest is important. Stepping into the booth after three consecutive nights of 4-hour bar gigs is less than ideal. Not getting enough sleep can affect you physically, cognitively, and put you in such an emotional funk. Which brings us to....

Your mindset. Once you prime your physical body for success (no shakes, tired vocal cords, foggy brain, etc.), you have more energy to spend on your mindset. To get excited and aligned creatively, you may find there are things you need to shed. Here is what we suggest leaving at the door of your session:

1. Other people’s expectations. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take advice from a trusted team of people who know and stand behind your vision. However, we are all guilty of entertaining opinions of those who only know us through social media, or an old mentor, bandmate, or ex’s idea of what we should sound like. Your opinion, ideas, and expectations matter most in our studio. Be present and trust yourself to create the most authentic sound.

2. A self-deprecating attitude. We have all seen wildly talented musicians step into the booth and after a couple imperfect takes, spiral into self-doubt. Insecurity is a productive session’s worst enemy. We are a part of your team now, which means we are here to coach you through your doubts and questions. We believe in you! But we recognize that can only go so far. Confidence and groundedness are key.

At Studio 45b, we believe in finding the sweet spot between planning and leaving room for ideas to take off, branch out, and reroute. This may mean detaching from expectations and connecting with the heart of your project. Some questions to ask yourself before entering the session:

  • What are your nonnegotiables?

  • What do you want this song/project to “do?” You can think of this technically, but we also encourage you to do so abstractly. What feelings do you want it to evoke in people? Any questions you want it to raise?

  • Where are you not sure that the song/project is doing what you want it to? Are there any spots that feel weak, inauthentic, or “filler?”

  • If you could release two versions of this song, what would the second version sound like?

  • Think of your song in terms of all of the senses. Does it have a texture or color palette? When you picture this song being played, what does the room look like that best showcases it? Who is there? Are you playing it live?

Preparing to record is all about balance. By the time you get in the studio, so much work has already gone into your project— it’s your baby! While it can feel like recording is the pinnacle of all of that hard work, remember that this is just one summit of many in your musical career.

You’re ready! Contact us to book your recording session today.

***Written by Singer/Songwriter Kayla Lunden.


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Three ways to prepare yourself for a day in the Studio